Wednesday, February 16

VanBeek/Burmania Family {Madison Family Photographer}

I had the privilege to photograph two of these little girls last summer..... you may remember Gwen & Claire's session. Super cute blonde in a basket with sunflowers.....ADORABLE!! So i was really honored to take some family shots of everyone for Christmas cards. It has been such a pleasure to get to know this family and I hope to continue to work with you all in the future. These little ladies are sure to be heartbreakers when they grow up :)

To see more from this session please visit Facebook.

Charbonneau Family {Rockford Family & Child Photographer}

I went to High School with Becky and I haven't seen her since we graduated. So I was really excited when she contacted me to take some family shots. We headed to Sinnissippi Park on what was to be one of the nicest days in November. It happened to be when Becky's sister Kelly was in town so I was happy to include her in some shots as well. It was so great to see everyone again and I can't wait to watch little Alyssa grow up :)

To see more images from this session please visit Facebook.

Monday, February 7

Grace is 1 year Old {Rockton Photographer}

The Easton's contacted me to do some pictures for their Christmas cards as well as some pictures of Grace.....since she was going to be celebrating her 1st birthday. Poor Grace was sick but I think we got some great photos. It was so nice working with this family. YOu can find more of our session on Facebook

Clara: 8 days old {Milton Photographer}

You may remember Clara's parents from their maternity session last summer. I was so excited to travel to Milton and meet her.....and of course take some cute newborn pictures. Here are just a few of my favorites..... you can find the rest of our session on facebook.

Fago Girls Fall Mini Sessions {South Beloit Photographer}

The two sisters are part of my dance I was so excited when their mom contacted me about mini sessions. Jasmine had to warm up to the camera but we eventually got some great smiles and candids from her! And Karissa just loves the camera.....can you tell? Thanks Fago's for the fun session at Hononegah Forrest Preserve. See more photos on our Facebook page!

Thursday, February 3

Tyson: Fall Mini Shoot {Rockton Photographer}

Tyson is seriously the cutest kid my camera has seen in a while. He has such a cute personality too. At first he was a bit camera shy but towards the end of the session I had him playing up a storm and smiling like crazy. I sure enjoyed chasing Tyson around!